Wednesday, March 26, 2014

"Exploding Ants" Thinglink

Click here to go to the "Exploding Ants" Thinglink.  Find a short video (no more than 3 minutes) to link to each image.  You may also add facts and information we learned from the story to the images.
Log in information:
Password: barnardla58

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Weslandia Enrichment Activities

When Wesley is out of school for the summer, he isn’t quite sure how to spend his time. Then he thinks of a summer project that will top all others. Wesley grows "swist" and creates his own civilization! In the process, he learns to make friends as well.
Language Arts:
Wesley created an 80-letter alphabet—most of which you can find inside the covers of the book. Attempt to write a message to a friend using his alphabet.
Create your own book review of Weslandia.
Social Studies:
Discuss the necessary components of a civilization.
Which of these characteristics were present in Wesley’s new civilization?
Discuss Base 8. Do some addition and subtraction problems in Base 8.
Discuss the history of sundials and how they work. Make a sundial for your school.
Wesley had a mystery plant. Team with a partner to solve plant mysteries.
Wesley renamed the constellations. Learn the names of at least five constellations and be able to locate them in the night sky.
Draw the components of a food pyramid.
Discuss Wesley’s diet. Was he eating a healthy diet? Why or why not?
Physical Education:
Exercise your mind by playing online strategy games.
Wesley invented games that were rich with strategies and complex scoring systems. With a group of friends, create a new game that has several strategies and also a scoring system. Invite your classmates to play the game with you.
Listen to pan flute music.
What other kinds of flutes are there? Write and illustrate a picture book about the different kinds of flutes.
Explore an online collection of different kinds of looms.
Watch How to weave on a cardboard loom 
Another example of weaving 
Weaving tutorial
Wesley set up a loom to weave his clothing. Using a piece of cardboard 3” by 5”, cut about 10 slits in each end, and using yarn, learn how to weave.
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